Friday, December 28, 2012

Fiscal Cliff - a Moderate View

OK  Only a couple of days to the cliff, and here's my idea - bound to upset both hard core Republicans and hard core Democrats.  Everybody's still stuck in that black and white, either - or, raise taxes or cut spending frame of mind.  Let's think about what an average American family in a tight spot financially would do.  First, they'd look at their expenses and cut where they could without leaving their family completely destitute, then if more belt-tightening were needed, someone would be out there looking far a second job, and ultimately, the family's financial position would be resolved in the best manner for all concerned.  Instead of a choice between taxes and further cuts - an us or them approach -, lets compromise (dirty word?) and use a combination of both taxes and cuts in spending to start to bring the country a little bit closer together?  A moderate approach?  A step back from polarizing?  As always, I only ask you all to think about this

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